WELS Hymnal Project

Psalm refrains

Thank you for your suggestion, Julie! The Psalmody Committee will talk about the very issue you have raised at its next meeting, which is scheduled to take place in July. Since we are also responsible for settings of the Verse of the Day, it will be very natural for us to consider how closely we can tie everything to the lectionary. Thank you again for writing!

About Paul Prange

Rev. Paul Prange is the Psalmody Committee Chairman for the WELS Hymnal Project. He currently serves as the WELS Administrator for Ministerial Education. Prange has served congregations in Austin, TX, Roscommon, MI, and on the Apache reservations in Arizona. Prange and his wife, Leanne, raised three children in Saginaw, MI, where Prange served for fifteen years as president of Michigan Lutheran Seminary.

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