WELS Hymnal Project

Three New Resources Posted

I’d like to point out that three new resources were posted to the WELS Hymnal Project website recently.

The first is a lengthy work entitled, “Studies in Lutheran Chorales,” by Hilton C. Oswald. From the resource description:

Between the years 1961 and 1997 a series of essays by Hilton Oswald appeared in The Lutheran School Bulletin, the predecessor to The Lutheran Educator. The collection of 47 essays is unique for its contribution in the English language to the understanding of German Lutheran hymns. On the pages of this collection of essays Oswald urges Lutherans to understand and appreciate the treasure of German Lutheran hymnody that we have inherited. The WELS Hymnal Project presents this document, newly formatted and digitized, for useful study in WELS and beyond.

The second is the inaugural issue of Viva Vox, a newsletter published in 1955 by Ralph Gehrke and Kurt Eggert. From the resource description:

In the mid 1950’s Lutheran colleagues Rev. Kurt Eggert and Professor Ralph Gehrke teamed up to circulate a worship newsletter entitled Viva Vox (the Living Voice [of the Gospel]). With Rev. Eggert having served as the project director for Christian Worship: A Lutheran Hymnal, the reproduction of these editions is intended only to illustrate how many of the same worship issues of half a century ago are still facing us today as we humbly take on the daunting task and responsibility of working on our next worship book and its accompanying resources. We will add editions as time allows, and we plan to write a few blog articles referencing topics covered in Viva Vox.

The third is a Scripture index of Christian Worship: Supplement. From the resource description:

An extensive scripture index for the hymns of Christian Worship: A Lutheran Hymnal is included in the final pages of Christian Worship: Handbook (Dr. C.T. Aufdemberge). A number of years ago a similar index was prepared for Christian Worship: Supplement and is now made available in the hopes that it will serve as a helpful resource for hymn selection in any number of settings.

We present these resources to you in the hopes that you find them useful and edifying.

About Caleb Bassett

Rev. Caleb Bassett is the Technology Committee Chairman for the WELS Hymnal Project. Bassett serves at Redeemer in Fallbrook, CA. Bassett has presented at the WELS National Worship Conference and served as an essayist for the Institute for Worship and Outreach. Bassett and his wife, Audra, live with their four children in the avocado country of Southern California.


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