WELS Hymnal Project

Three-Year Review Underway

At the beginning of December, 218 congregations began a three-year collaborative review for the WELS hymnal project. Each week these congregations will be reporting information about their worship and offering input to the hymnal project’s executive committee regarding the resources available in Christian Worship. Having completed one week of review, here is what a sample of the results looks like. We are thankful to all who are talking the time to do these reviews and we value the input greatly.

For those congregations not participating, as well as for the synod at large, there will be additional opportunities to offer feedback and input, including a series of surveys distributed synod-wide during the coming year. For the first several years of the project, gathering information will be the major focus of the communications committee.

As a reminder, you may at any time offer input through our website’s contact submission form. Every submission is reviewed by the communications committee and forwarded to the appropriate subcommittee for its review and action.

About Jonathan Bauer

Rev. Jonathan Bauer is a member of the Executive Committee and has served on the Communications Committee for the WELS Hymnal Project. He serves as pastor of Good News Lutheran Church in Mount Horeb, WI. He is a member of the Institute for Worship and Outreach and has been a presenter for Schools of Worship Enrichment and at the WELS National Worship Conference.


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