WELS Hymnal Project

Student Hymn Survey

We've been hearing from a lot of people through our surveys over the past two years. We've collected responses from pastors, teachers, church musicians,and lay members, seeking input that will help to set the direction for the work of producing our new hymnal.

Recently, we’ve invited people to share with us their most treasured hymns. We also want to make a special effort to reach the students of our church body with this favorite hymn survey. Anyone who has spent time singing hymns with kids knows that they love singing a variety of hymns from ancient plainsong hymns like "Of the Father's Love Begotten", to Israeli tunes like "The King of Glory Comes", to the modern hymnody of Keith Getty and Stuart Townend. Kids like to sing hymns, and they're always eager to share their favorites. Plus, since the primary users of our next hymnal are still students, we want them to know that we are keeping them in mind during its development.

We're conducting a favorite hymns survey for students. It’s accompanied by a lesson plan that can be used as a year-end activity for Hymnology, Religion, or Catechism class. If you are a Lutheran school teacher, Sunday school teacher, or Catechism instructor, we invite you to use these materials in your classroom.

We hope to cultivate among our youth an interest in this hymnal project and to find out more about their interests regarding hymnody. It should be a treat to find out the results of this survey and to see how our current hymnal and its supplement have influenced this younger generation.

The deadline for completing this survey is May 31.

For more information and all of the necessary resources, visit the survey page in the research section of our website.

Thank you for your assistance in cultivating a love of hymnody among our students!

About Mike Marquardt

Mr. Mike Marquardt is a member of the Executive Committee and chairman of the Communications Committee of the WELS Hymnal Project. Marquardt currently serves a religion instructor and choral director at St. Croix Lutheran Academy. Mike lives in St. Paul, MN, with his wife and musical partner, April, and their two boys.


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