WELS Hymnal Project

Walking Together; Worshiping Together

Back in May, we published the first half of a written summary of what the WELS Hymnal Project has learned so far about worship in our synod. The first part of that summary had appeared in the May issue of Forward in Christ. The second half appeared in the June issue of Forward in Christ, and the entire summary also appears in the synod convention's Book of Reports and Memorials.

The entire summary is now also published here on our website in the resources section.

At the synod convention in Saginaw this week, Project Director Michael Schultz will share an update on the hymnal project with the convention. Keep him, the rest of our synod's leaders, and all the delegates in your prayers:

Gracious Lord, you have redeemed us with the blood of your Son, brought us to faith by the work of your Spirit, and promised to keep us in faith through your Word and sacraments. Accept our humble thanks for these rich blessings, and help us to rejoice in them and to use them faithfully.

Gracious Lord, you have brought us together in a church body in which your Word is proclaimed in its truth and purity, in which the message of reconciliation through your Son is still the central teaching, and in which the focus of mission is to reach the lost and strengthen the saved. For this gift of your grace, we give you thanks and ask that you would rekindle our zeal for the work you have set before us.

Gracious Lord, you have given us opportunities to share your Word in our country and throughout the world. We thank you for the faithful service of our church leaders. We thank you also for moving the hearts of young people to prepare for the teaching and preaching ministry. Help us view them as your precious gifts, and give us the willingness and the means to put them to work in your vineyard.

You have brought us together as a church body that we may show forth your praises. Help us as individuals, as congregations, and as a synod to let our light shine so that more people may be led to glorify you. When we fall short of living and working together as your holy people, forgive us and renew in all of us a dedication to humble service to you and to one another.

In Jesus' name,

--- From Christian Worship: Altar Book

About Jonathan Bauer

Rev. Jonathan Bauer is a member of the Executive Committee and has served on the Communications Committee for the WELS Hymnal Project. He serves as pastor of Good News Lutheran Church in Mount Horeb, WI. He is a member of the Institute for Worship and Outreach and has been a presenter for Schools of Worship Enrichment and at the WELS National Worship Conference.


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