WELS Hymnal Project

The Daily Lectionary: A Personal Devotional Tool

The new hymnal will aid your devotional life by providing a daily reading plan for Scripture. This tool will get you into God’s word and provide a pattern for piety.

A lectionary appoints scripture readings for use on certain days. Your Sunday worship follows the Three Year Lectionary for Sundays and Festivals. But the hymnal will offer another set of readings appointed for every day of the year: the daily lectionary.

The daily lectionary provides two readings for each day, about 20 verses from the Old Testament and 20 from the New Testament. It doesn’t require a large time commitment but still enables you to read through almost the entire New Testament and over a third of the Old Testament each year.

The Scripture Committee proposes that we use the excellent daily lectionary developed by Pastor Rick Stuckwisch. The readings will not be connected to your Sunday worship specifically but will relate in a broad way to the liturgical season. For example, during the days of Advent, readings are appointed from Isaiah, an advent prophet.

Here’s an example from the daily lectionary that begins on Ash Wednesday:

March 6, 2019
Gen 1:1-19
Mark 1:1-13

March 7, 2019
Gen 1:20-2:3
Mark 1:14-28

March 8, 2019
Gen 2:4-25
Mark 1:29-45

March 9, 2019
Gen 3:1-24
Mark 2:1-17

March 10, 2019
Gen 4:1-26
Mark 2:18-28

March 11, 2019
Gen 6:1--7:5
Mark 3:1-19

March 12, 2019
Gen 7:11-8:12
Mark 3:20-35

We hope that the new hymnal will enhance your daily devotional life.

About Jonathan Schroeder

Rev. Jonathan Schroeder is the Scripture Committee Chairman of the WELS Hymnal Project. Schroeder currently serves at Faith in Sharpsburg, GA. Schroeder is an at-large member of the WELS Synodical Council, moderator of the Institute for Worship and Outreach, consultant for both the WELS School of Worship and the WELS School of Outreach. Jon and his wife, Jenny, have three children, Keith, Justin, and Emily.


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