WELS Hymnal Project

In Christ Alone

Words and Music: Keith Getty and Stuart Townend © 2002 Thankyou Music, admin. worldwide at CapitolCMGPublishing.com (excl. Europe admin. by Kingswaysongs); used by permission.


Thank you to all those who took the time to share their thoughts on, "In Christ Alone." We hope you enjoy hearing a recording of this hymn and seeing some of the comments that we received.

Next week we'll feature another hymn from the list of Fifty Favorite Hymns: "Abide with Me" (Christian Worship #588).

About Mark Schutz

Mark Schutz is on the Communications Committee for the Hymnal Project. Schutz has served Hope Lutheran Church in Spearfish, South Dakota for eight years. He is the Dakota-Montana District Worship Coordinator. Schutz and his wife Jill live with their three children, Lydia, Natalie, and Jonathan in Spearfish.


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